The Rise of Smart Drugs
The major primary reason for biohacking is finding tools and tricks that are causing a significant impact with little effort that they get. You can call it relentless pursuit for personal perfection or enlightened laziness when there is a difference between them. What are we talking about? Modafinil is the best performance-enhancing smart drug that you should start using for various reasons. If you want to know more crucial information concerning this drug, read this post to the end.
What is Modafinil?
Modafinil is a smart drug that is also known as a nootropic. It has started gaining a lot of popularity all over because it improves your cognitive function in various ways. Even though there are plenty of smart drugs out there, Modafinil stands in a class of its own.
Is Modafinil Safe?
If you are going to use this type of smart drug, it is vital to understand that it is not addictive. If you are a beginner, this means that you can use and it cannot affect you in any way. However, it has a risk of abuse. We have some individuals who consider using it to stay up for way too long. When you use it in this way, it may end up making you sick.
Modafinil Dosage
For those individuals who spend most of the time to concentrate on their health, they may have come across Modafinil. If you decide to use it, you are likely to see significant changes in your body. Know that Modafinil lasts 6 to 8 hours in the body. You can take it in the morning with or without food. But remember that this is a drug. Therefore, you should talk to your doctor for further information. If you will buy it online, ensure that you go through the available instructions before you start using it.
Benefits of Modafinil
As we said earlier in our guide, Modafinil is a smart drug that is gaining a lot of popularity due to the benefits that it offers. Let’s see some of the reasons why many people prefer going for this specific smart drug.
It’s Not a Stimulant
Many people fail to understand whether Modafinil is a stimulant or a eugeroic. In the real sense, this smart drug is not a stimulant because it does not make you speedy or jittery compared to other classical stimulants. Also, it can help most people kick addictions. In other words, it is not addictive.…
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