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A Guide to Rhinoplasty

You are not the only one who is interested in knowing more about rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is a medical procedure that many refer to as a nose job. It may come as a surprise that it is considered the most common type of cosmetic surgery in many countries. If you are thinking of having a nose job, know there are many also considering that option. The main reasons why people go for rhinoplasty procedures are certain health conditions and for cosmetic reasons. Here is a guide on what to expect when going for rhinoplasty surgery.


Before anything can be done, consultation is the first stage everyone goes through. As a patient, you are required to consult a certified plastic surgeon. This is the stage where the patient can ask all the questions and concerns about the procedure.
Those consulting are shown before and after photos of other patients who have undergone surgery. A certified surgeon like the ones at Berkeley Square Medical team can examine the patient if they are ideal for the surgery they are asking for. Various things may determine if you are an ideal candidate.


Once the surgeon confirms that you fit for the surgery, the next stage is preparation. Having a nose job is like many other surgical producers; there are things that must be done to ensure that the all process goes well. They may include giving the patient some medication that will help with pain or any swelling or bleeding during the procedure. There are some things one may be asked to avoid doing before the surgery.


surgery toolsThe next stage after preparing the patient is the procedure itself. It is essential to put into account that there are various types of rhinoplasty producers. What is to be done will determine the approach to be taken when the incisions are done. Incisions can be done either in the internal nostril region or the outer region of the nose. The decision on the approach to take will be made by the surgeon and determined by the patient’s requirements.


It is essential to note that there may be risks involved when rhinoplasty is performed. Though the risk may not be life-threatening, there might be a chance of an outcome that the patient does not like. It is essential to go to an experienced surgeon to get the best result. We all deserve to love and be confident in our appearance.…

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