Breathe Easy: 4 Scientifically-Proven Exercises for Stronger Lungs
As the world becomes more polluted, taking care of our lungs has never been more important. Whether you’re a smoker looking to quit or simply seeking ways to improve your lung function, incorporating scientifically-proven exercises into your routine can make all the difference. But of course, it’s always a good idea to start improving your lung health by quitting your smoking habit. In this post, we’ll explore four easy-to-do exercises shown to strengthen and support healthy lung function. So take a deep breath, and let’s get started.
Deep Breathing Exercises
It can be challenging to take a deep breath when feeling out of breath. This is a result of your breathing muscles being stiff and in need of relaxation. Exercises involving deep breathing will help you relax these muscles and improve your breathing ability. You can attempt a variety of variations. But today, our attention is on diaphragmatic breathing. Put one hand on your abdomen and the other on your chest to perform this exercise. Allow your stomach to grow as you gradually take in air through your nose. As you inhale, your hand should feel a rise in your stomach. Next, slowly exhale through pursed lips while feeling your hand on your tummy drop.
Cardio Exercises
Cardio exercises have many benefits, including increased lung capacity and improved circulation. Cardio exercises can be performed using a variety of equipment, such as treadmills, ellipticals, rowing machines, or even by swimming. When performing cardio exercises, it is quite good for your body to maintain a moderate pace and heart rate. For most people, a heart rate of between 50-70% of their maximum heart rate is ideal. This can be monitored by wearing a heart rate monitor during your workout.
If you’re more into water sports, you’ll be glad that swimming is actually very beneficial for your lung and respiratory system overall. In fact, swimming is a great way to exercise your lungs, as the underwater pressure helps to expand them and increase their air capacity. This sport also provides cardiovascular benefits, including improving heart health and helping burn calories. Additionally, water resistance when you move can help strengthen muscles in your body, including those in your chest that are important for breathing.
Stretching and Flexibility Exercises
In this fourth and final installment of our exercise series for stronger lungs, we’ll focus on stretching and flexibility exercises. As with the other types of exercises we’ve covered, these exercises can help to improve your lung function and overall respiratory health. Stretching and flexibility exercises are often recommended for people with pulmonary disorders such as COPD. They can help improve your range of motion and make breathing easier. These types of exercises can also help prevent lung infections by keeping your airways clear.
I think it’s pretty clear that if you want a healthy respiratory system, exercising regularly is a must. The exercises we’ve outlined in this article should help you build stronger lungs and better breathing capacity – but remember, many other activities out there can give your lungs a workout. Activities like yoga, running, and cycling can also help strengthen your respiratory system, so don’t be afraid to mix up your routine.…
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